Welcome to the Light!

We’re so glad you stopped by.

When you visit the Light, you’ll find a family of grace-filled believers that strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Huntsville, in our surrounding communities and around the globe.

What to expect.

Come as you are. You’ll find plenty of jeans, sneakers, flip-flops, shorts, and t-shirts. Sit wherever you’d like. Grab some coffee from the back.


We love to lift our voices in worship and praise to the Father. You’ll find hands and hearts lifted high as we sing and play to the Creator.



We spend time each week sharing our burdens and praises before going to the Father in prayer.

Communion is celebrated each week as we recognize that the grave is still empty and the stone is rolled away.


One thing you’ll be sure to find at the Light is scripture-based teaching as we dig deep into the Word. Unlike most other churches, we don’t have a dedicated teaching minister. We have a team of talented teachers and special guests that bring messages each week.


Where we are.


You can find us on Sundays at:

325 Slaughter Rd
Madison, AL 35758

We meet in the cafeteria at Madison Academy. We used to meet in a warehouse off Governor’s Drive West. If you go to that location, you won’t find us there anymore.

Our time of worship begins at 9:30 a.m.

Learn more?

Have a question that we didn’t cover? Reach out to us via this form and we will respond.